January 31st

Holy Anna

After Simeon had handed back the Divine Child to His Mother, another dweller in the Temple came upon the scene. Holy Anna, an aged servant of God, who never left the Temple, and devoted her whole life to the prayer and praise of God, advanced under God's holy inspiration to adore the Infant Christ, and pay her homage of respect and congratulation to His Holy Mother and foster-father. She, too, had waited long for that crowning grace. She was eighty years old before it was vouchsafed to her. Perhaps I have been waiting long years for some grace, and think that it is too late now. Courage! it is never too late. Our greatest grace may come at eighty years of age.

Holy Anna, full of joy and happiness, confessed to the Lord, bearing witness before all that the Infant in Mary's arms was none other than the promised Messiah, the Deliverer and the King of His people Israel, and the God and Lord of all the earth. Her long fasts and prayers had obtained for her the gift of faith, so clear and vivid that she saw beneath the veil of flesh the Divine Nature of the Babe before her. It is thus that the mental vision becomes quick in its discernment of heavenly things; those who pray and mortify themselves have always a keen appreciation of Divine truths.

Holy Anna did not keep to herself the knowledge that in their midst was the Lord of Heaven and earth. She spoke of Him to all the dwellers at Jerusalem. Happy those who speak of God to others! They shall shine like the stars to all eternity.

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